
Monday, November 1, 2010

Turning Point 转捩点

29th Oct - 31st Nov, I had joined a camp which was GEN X INTERNATIONAL YEAR END CAMP.The title for this camp was— Turning Point 转捩点.
I was a tiring camp but I was very enjoyed because I had found my turning point in my live!
Before that,I was thinking whether wanna join this camp or not because the camp fees was minimum RM300.
Well,I made a decision finally!I joined!
No regret,I really found my turning point from this camp!Thx for the person who convinced me to go!
In this camp,I had gone through 3 processes which were 'GRID','扛人' and 'REUNION'.
From the 3 processes,I realized that I have to be focus,be responsible,work hard,don't easily give up,encouragement and teamwork!This few key points are very paramount in our real live~
'Mentality controls body'-I like this phrase damn much!
'Ignore Distractions','Don't expect others to do for you but let others to expect on you' and 'Be Confident'.
This all words have inspired me damn much!
I was very passive before.I used to expect others to approach me,talk with me and also order me to do work.I was lack of confidence.I used to doubt.I used to care how others looked at me and their comments.
But now,I found my turning point!^^
I changed my stupid styles and think mature since I joined Qnet!=)
I want to be different from others!
Impossible Is Nothing!